Why are you Spritually Blind?

Why are you Spiritually Blind?

Motivation Of The Spirit VS Motivation Of The Body


The human brain enjoys physical stimulation. I don’t know what you’ll think of me, but I’ll say it is all about adding a little spice to any topic, whether you think it to be news, entertainment, gossip, or whatever you think of it, you get the idea.  It is human nature to long for heroic drama in our lives!

The spiritual world seems to view things differently than the physical world. A life’s meaning is found in the simple moments and successive moments. Though spiritual beings, we view the world through filters that are created by our brains. Generally, we humans prioritize bodily stimulations and pleasures over spiritual ones. Understanding the difference between spiritual and bodily motivation will help you on your Spiritual Awakening journey.


Generally speaking, we define success in terms of wealth, fame, merit, applause, admirers, having your name on a trophy, and owning a red Ferrari. As long as you define success based on what you can see with your eyes, this is the case.

Success in the spiritual realm is marked by different signs. The inner peace and joy they bring are what they are. When one is content with oneself without seeking approval from others or comparing oneself to them. A happy moment is watching your loved one laugh, eating a delicious meal with your friends, listening to your favorite music, and everything else that makes you happy. In order to succeed and avoid mistakes, downfalls, and adversities in life, our bodies believe we should be extremely careful. In all our seriousness and utmost care, our bodily motivation says that we should always put our guard up.

However, based on our spiritual motivation, we should not rush in anything we do. Our great spirit laugh at such foolish notions. During a person’s lifetime, an event occurs spontaneously and without warning. Our meaning of happiness or sadness determines how we feel about them. It is our bodies’ desire to have all our prayers answered. In contrast, as a creator who is filled with love and grace, God may not be able to answer all of our prayers due to his overall view of our lives. In contrast, he helps us stay focused by guiding us back to our soul’s purpose whenever we stray.


It is our deepest wish that every pleasure in the world be permanent, as well as that we never have to change or leave anyone.You should be aware that, in this world, nothing lasts forever, and everything has an opposite sooner or later. There are ups and downs on the ride, which makes it enjoyable and you are up for a hell of a ride. We desire safety for ourselves and for the people we love. It is important for us to feel secure in all aspects of our lives. The only issue is that uncertainty is part of the plan our God has for us. No matter how much money or energy we have, how much intelligence we possess, or how much intelligence we possess, our lives cannot be assured to be safe. The best way to feel secure (from spiritual perspective) is to not worry about the future or hold on to regrets from the past. 


The concept of love entails holding on to that special person in order to feel happy, secure, sexy, safe, complete and validated. It is our body’s desire for the world and its inhabitants including loved one to change their behavior, actions, and so on, so that we can feel confident and secure. From a spiritual perspective, love is understanding that we are one beneath our pretenses. Understanding that we are one is understanding love under spiritual perspective. 

We now understand that we are missing life when we wait for our lottery win in life. Every moment of life is a GIFT.