Tiny Ways to Simplify Your Life

“It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy that makes happiness” – By Charles Spurgeon

Happiness can be achieved by living a simple life. It can be as convenient as breathing air or drinking water to live a simple life. It’s hard to be simple in a world full of technology goods.

You can nurture your inner happiness with simplicity, a subtle, profound way of living. Those sources of external happiness make me think we can’t nurture inner happiness because they obscure our capacity to do so.

Simple things help us manage our time for more inner pleasure.

External happiness comes from habits and addictions that keep us focused on excess, which leads to more habits and addictions. As I get older, it has become increasingly apparent that I am mindful of how much time I have left for myself and that I am very much absorbed in the present moment. I am dwelling deeply into time; I’m exchanging this pleasure for the eternal, inner pleasure I share with my friends, family, and neighbors.

Excessive eating, spending, working, ego, thinking, pleasures, and – of course – doing everything to please others is a sure way to wreck your life. I’m not against materialism, just excess.

The following habits will help you set limits and live a happy, content life on less.


By examining your closet, you can see how your spending habits manifest excess. Each of us has had a time when we refused to open a bill, charged our entire credit card to the limit as a result of buying things we wanted. Putting more inner happiness into my Bank of Life takes much less effort. When I am mindful for a day to buy what I need instead of what I want, I feel calmness and peace. Getting pleasure from within gives me more energy and a higher state of awakening.


As a result of excessive eating, there are many dreary consequences, including a life filled with high fat and high sugar food, a sedentary existence, and emotional clutter that causes depression. Thanks to my new mantra, I’ve been focusing on my diet. Keeping a balanced diet allows me to deposit more inner pleasure into the Bank of my Life. In addition to focusing on eating vegan food that is rich in fiber and protein, being a vegetarian also allows me to consume more fiber and protein. This has resulted in an excess of energy and a sense of relaxation.


In essence, ego refers to excess time spent thinking about one’s own needs. I don’t have anything against the idea of having an ego. Our visions cannot become reality without the burning desire to turn them into reality within us. Investing time in inner happiness is the purpose of my life, but excess consumes my time. A healthy ego is an essential component of morality, but excess of this leads to terrible self-indulgence. I’m cultivating magnanimity when I leave home by keeping my ego in the closet.


This habit has always plagued me. My life has become impacted by this problem to the point that I have become addicted to setting goals and finding external pleasures by setting higher goals so that I can spend more time working towards those goals. I am mindful of the fact that I should turn off the laptop for a day and go home regardless of what happens. It has now become apparent to me that life goes on no matter what. I’ve developed an inner consciousness about the goals and their relevance to my life mantra.

With People

Our society is addicted to keeping up with everyone else. Life is too short to live it for others’ approval. It is not necessary to get approval from others if I am aware of myself well and accept myself deeply. You can’t fake happiness by pleasing people. Putting time into pleasing my inner self will lead to eternal happiness. Additionally, it helps me get rid of the emotional clutter I’ve built up as a result of rejection by others who aren’t interested in investing time in my happiness. As for what others think about my decision, I’m less concerned about what they think of it since I’m doing what pleases my inner self.

Too much Thinking

This viral state of mind has affected us all at some point in our lives. Mindset is all about choosing your thoughts and paying attention to them. The very choice we make to dwell on bad events from the day, the lack of forgiveness for our mistakes that lead us to misery and despair, is what leads us there. It’s important for me to be mindful of the thoughts I harbor and the ones I choose to harbor. I have learned to focus on thoughts of content rather than contempt by allowing my mind to relax when necessary.