Real Christian Life
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What is Belief

There was a town where rain was not coming. In anticipation of the rain, the priest of the town called all the people to prayer at the

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We are all Sinners

Every one of us is born as a sinner. Our sinful nature is inherent from the moment we are born until the moment we breathe our last. The

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Story of Samaritan

In one instance, a lawyer came to Jesus and asked for directions on how to live forever or get into heaven. In response to his

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Sinner’s Repent

There was a man with two sons. Younger son asked father for legacy money he’d promised him, and dad gave it to him. After that, the younger son

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Return of Jesus is Near

Second coming is near!! Very Near and Be Ready!! “Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is

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Repent and be Saved!!

“What is repentance?” In the Bible, Jesus began to preach saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near” (Matthew 4:17). There are many topics

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My Sin Diary

I have been praying and repenting of my sins. In the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I began writing down my sins from an early age. I’m

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Memory of Friendship

An argument between two good friends led to one of them slapping the other. In spite of the pain, the man wrote on the sand,

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I saw Hell

I would like to share one of our destinations after we die. We either go to heaven with God or we go to hell after

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Can you recall a time when you received a gift. You unwrap the gift and discover something you have no interest in whatsoever. Suppose you hate golf,

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Fake Christian Test

There’s a test that you can take as a Christian to determine whether or not you’re a genuine Christian. You and only God will know

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