Purpose of Your Life as Christian

What is the purpose of your life? Do you want to be rich? or famous or healthy? Or do you want to be rich and famous and healthy? We were created by God for the glory of God. By all means, we are to love God and to worship him. Think about a toy you make for your son whose only purpose is to please you and your son. Our blissful happiness comes when we love and worship God like a faithful wife would love her husband from the bottom of our hearts.  

As you may already know, our forefathers were cast out of Eden from where they worshiped the Lord as obedient servants and they lost their glorious roles to worship the God almighty by simply sinning. Sin separated us from God and we lost direct access to him. Our God could just abandon us and let us die with God’s enemies in hell.

However, God couldn’t let us die forever because he loved us so much. His compassion for us and continuous love for us made him use the only method available. That’s what he did, sacrificed his only child, Jesus Christ. The Son of God came to earth to save us from sin by giving his life on the cross.

Those who believe in God’s love shown through the sacrifice on the cross will be united with our Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and will be saved from eternal damnation and death in hell. Going to church and pretending like a holy person doesn’t mean you believe.

When you accept Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life and everything, you will lose your ego, your greed for this world, and your sinful nature. When you accept him, your heart will change. You’ll get Jesus Christ and his spirit, and that will replace all of these things.

Even though many so-called Christians claim to be Christians, they are not united with Jesus Christ unless their beings are transformed through the Holy Spirit. You should repent every day and live for the glory of God. Here are some tips for living in God’s glory. You can invite the Spirit of Jesus Christ into your heart. Live by faith. Don’t be afraid of what the world has to offer. Embrace the Holy Life and let go of hate, jealousy, fear, greed, intoxication, and sexual immorality to find peace in Jesus. Don’t believe everything you see on TV or in the media, don’t believe what the world tells you. Get to know Jesus by listening to him and talking to him. You can do this by reading the Bible and praying to Jesus.