Minimalism as a way of life

Despite what it seems, most of our worries stem from artificial phobias we develop around our surroundings. We worry about all sorts of things – pleasing our friends and family to paying parking tickets, worrying about how many likes we get on social media, and worrying about buying useless stuff. The interconnectedness of these things fuels our myopic view of the world.

There’s a sense that we’re always going to have problems. Any seeds of happiness that we try to plant in our lives are destroyed by these worries. There’s nothing real about most worries, they’re just state of mind we create. I’m happy to tell you we can choose to be free from worry. The only way to an optimal life design for me is to move slowly and thoughtfully toward minimalism. 

Age makes me more conscious of what I own, what I eat, what I think, and who I surround myself with. My excitement for a big win in any aspect of my life is long gone, and I don’t regret not having all the things the world considers success.

The only happiness I’m looking for is the kind that comes from within. In order to accomplish that, I do not plan on relying heavily on things that are not an integral part of my life, which I consider to be an ideal.

The style is inspired by minimalism ...

I do not need any debt in my life. Debt is not something I would ever want to affect my thoughts and stifle the desire that I have to live life fully and to the fullest.

It’s not necessary for me to get approval from others in order for me to live my life the way I want to. A life designed for me to make the most of my potential does not include a need for approval, nor will it ever do.

My goal in life is not to maximize my choices in order to live a happy life, but to maximize my choices for living a happy life.

TV, radio, and other forms of entertainment are forms of consumerism that really do not appeal to me.

To be able to do more of the things I love to do, I want to seek more energy-filled life.

My inner happiness can be enhanced by no form of possessions that serve no purpose in making me feel euphoric.

It is my goal to read and write as much as possible in order to educate myself and gain a better understanding of the ideas, philosophy, and passion of other people.

In order for me to achieve success, it is essential that I assess every aspect of my life through the minimalistic perspective, which allows me to measure my success not only as a result of material wealth but as a result of the level of happiness that I feel inside me.

As life has been so kind to me, I want to be able to contribute in whatever way I can to making a difference in this world.

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