Memory of Friendship

An argument between two good friends led to one of them slapping the other. In spite of the pain, the man wrote on the sand, “I received a hard slap from my friend today.”

They found an oasis as they continued walking. After swimming in the wellspring, the one who was slapped almost drowned, but his friend saved him.

Upon regaining consciousness, he wrote: “Thanks to my friend today.. He saved my life.”

After the other friend slapped his friend and saved his life, he asked him:

When I hurt you, you wrote on the sand. Now you’re writing on the stone. What’s the reason?

This is what his friend said..

We should write things on the sand when someone hurts us, so the wind can wash it away. However, when someone does us a favor, we need to engrave it on the stone so that the wind can’t wipe it away.