Master your Emotions with Simple Tips

Unlike animals with flesh striving to survive, humans are not simply animals with flesh. Our emotional system is balanced by learning how to balance ourselves as spiritual beings. With compassion, embrace your emotions, not fear them.

It is important to understand that managing your emotions is not the same as ignoring them or suppressing them in any way. As much as you might try to ignore your sadness or pretend that you are not feeling pain, nothing will make them go away.

A wound that has not been addressed emotionally is likely to get worse over time, if it is not acknowledged. Furthermore, suppressing your feelings may result in you turning to unhealthy coping techniques – like addiction to alcohol or drugs – as a way of coping with your emotions.

While acknowledging your feelings is important, you should also realize that that doesn’t mean that your emotions have to control you or dictate your actions. Even if negative emotions were triggered, you can turn your day around with few tips. 

Get a new perspective

Events are shaped by your emotions. Further, your thoughts can either make things worse or make them better. 

For example, when a bully wants to talk to you right away, you might get anxious. Your preconceived imagination might trigger negative thoughts.

You’re probably having an unrealistic worldview because of your emotional filter. Your perception of the world can change if you reframe your thoughts. And it can teach you how to stop letting others take control of your emotions.

Taking a step back and asking yourself, “How would I respond to a friend who was facing the same issue?” can often help you gain a different perspective on the situation, taking some of the emotion out of the equation so that you can think more rationally about what you are goingthrough.

When your mind seems to dwell on the negative things in your life, you may need to change the programming in your brain to change the focus. You should take a quick walk or do some quick physical activity if you are having trouble stopping yourself from thinking excessively and negatively about things.

Just 90 Seconds

The study shows that whenever you experience a negative emotion, you will be able to pass it through your system within 90 seconds. Approximately a minute and a half has passed from the time the limbic system triggers the feeling until the chemical reaction dissipates, which is caused by the limbic system.

When you feel an emotion coming up, don’t focus on the thought that triggered it. As soon as the sensation passes, you will be able to regain your balance once again.

The most important thing to remember is that you are not your emotions, so you must stop thinking of negative emotions as part of you.

Get in touch with your feelings and accept them

In our society, we often label emotions as “negative” or “bad,” which can lead to a feeling of shame or guilt when we are already experiencing feelings of emotional highs and lows.

Rather than judging your emotions, approach them with curiosity. As the tide rises and falls, this is known as an “observer’s mindset”.

Next time you feel something, look at the feeling process as an adventure and an interesting thing to observe. Allow yourself to feel the feeling, let it move around inside you, and think, “I will handle it”.

Identify your emotions

The first step to changing how you feel is to acknowledge what you’re going through. Keep in mind that anger can mask feelings like shame or embarrassment that feel vulnerable.

Keep a close eye on what’s really going on. I suggest you listen to your emotions and acknowledge what you are experiencing instead of struggling with how to shut them off. By labeling those feelings, you can identify them and understand them better.

It may sound easy, but emotions are not straight as you might think, as you may think. In some cases, there can be layers of emotions, where one emotion may cover up another, while in other cases, you may feel more than one emotion at once.

Are you scared? Do you feel nervous? Is your heart broken? 

Identify your emotions. Give it a name. Keep in mind that you might feel a lot of emotions at once, like frustrated, anxious, and sad.

Labeling your feelings can help you cope with them. Additionally, it allows you to become accustomed to how your feelings will affect your decisions as well as how you will cope with them.

Putting a name on what your feelings are gives you an opportunity to diffuse the sensation and give you time to decompress before you react.

Emotion is a Message from your Body

Because we’re unsure how to become our true selves, we hide behind masks. That’s why we always do something to distract ourselves.

Every uncomfortable feeling is your brain telling you something needs attention. Anger tells you to act, fear alerts you, and sadness tells you to nourish yourself.

When you’re present with yourself, your emotions won’t have to shout to get your attention. Happiness starts to come naturally to you.

Lastly, My Dear Friend, Follow your passion and do what you love

It is important to indulge in activities that you are passionate about in order to ensure positive feelings. 

Whenever you are doing what you love, you feel a sense of upliftment on many levels. The idea is to do it as often as possible, not just when you’re in a low mood, but even when you’re not.