Impossible to Calm Down?

Once you are able to calm yourself down, you will be able to build independence in your life, andgive yourself the most important value to your life which is comfort. So in order to be able to acquire this skill, it is a wise decision to make an effort to do so. A sense of inner peace can not only grant you a sense of freedom, but can also give you a feeling of inner peace.

One of the things that I want to point out about this is that it’s not about relying on something or somebody else to calm you down. Furthermore, we want to explore how to be calmer, whether it’s in stressful situations or just in everyday life. 

Do you know how to calm yourself down?

Once you are able to calm yourself down, you will be able to build independence in your life, andgive yourself the most important value to your life which is comfort. So in order to be able to acquire this skill, it is a wise decision to make an effort to do so. A sense of inner peace can not only grant you a sense of freedom, but can also give you a feeling of inner peace.

One of the things that I want to point out about this is that it’s not about relying on something or somebody else to calm you down. Furthermore, we want to explore how to be calmer, whether it’s in stressful situations or just in everyday life. 

We all strive for calm, composed, patience, and peace of mind. No one wants to be a bag of nerves and a hot mess who flies off the handle every now and then. As a general rule, it is more pleasant when we are balanced and emotionally stable. Furthermore, it often has a positive impact on those around us as well. Having a calm inner state of mind and not taking everything personally can enhance our social relationships. When you need a little help calming yourself down, here are a few tips that you can follow

A push against a wall

Brukner also suggests the wall push, one of the best exercises that can help ground kids (and adults as well) with sensory integration issues. To do the wall push, you simply place your palms against the wall and plant your feet on the floor for five to ten seconds as you push against the wall. If you have ever experienced an earthquake, you will see why this gesture is so soothing… placing our body and weight against a solid, immovable surface is stabilizing, even at a subconscious level, even if you have never felt the pull of gravity before.

Closing your Eyes

Eighty percent of the sensory stimulation we receive is through our eyes, so whenever you close your eyes, you are giving your brain a much-needed break from constant stimulation. A person with a high level of sensitivity can do well if he or she can stay in bed and close their eyes for nine hours each night. It is not necessary for them to be asleep. When we lie in bed with our eyes closed we can get some quiet time that we need to wind down before we are bombarded with all kinds of stimuli in the world. 

Shake it, Baby!!

Did you know that animals have a way of relieving stress by shaking? During a predator attack, animals such as antelopes shake off their fear after they have been frozen in pure panic by their attackers. There are many benefits to be gained from shaking, which can be practiced and brought into your daily life.

Tree Position

Pushing your palms together and holding for five to ten seconds provides your body with “Sensory input” that indicates where it is in space. As a yoga practitioner, I particularly like this posture as it reminds me of the tree position, the last posture in the standing series. When I get to that point, I am quite content to hold the tree position for quite a while. Whenever I feel like I need a little calm down, I pull out the palm push like a mini, portable tree position that I can apply at any time.

Take the time to find out what motivates you

There are several reasons why being able to calm yourself down is so valuable. As a result, if you have decided to embark on this project, it is important for you to be clear about the reasons behind your own excitement for the endeavor. The goal of self-soothing must not be confused with being inconspicuous, hiding from people or becoming low-maintenance due to their expectations, and it should have nothing to do with ignoring your feelings. If you were to continue to suppress your own needs, you are more likely to suffer long-term health complications rather than improving them.

In contrast, the desire to self-soothe can be more valuable for you if it’s related to your personal growth. As such, it’s not a matter of keeping fear, anger, or stress at bay because they are unpleasant or unpleasant for you and for others; rather, it’s a matter of getting in touch with the needs that lie behind these feelings. By figuring out what these needs are, we will be able to meet them in a way that is more pleasant and straightforward, or we will be able to communicate them more clearly to others, which will increase our sense of well-being over the long run.

The idea is that we won’t need someone or something to reassure us or ask us what’s going on.

We are attending to our own needs and paying attention to ourselves. Our priority should be to follow through on this intention by taking care of ourselves. In this way, unpleasant feelings and inner turmoil can become symbols we value instead of perceived enemies that need to be eliminated. Our overall anxiety about these emotions may decrease as a result.