How I became Born again Christian

It is with great pleasure that I share my testimony about how I became a born-again Christian today. My entire life, I have been addicted to pornographic films and masterbation, as well as smoking and drinking a lot. My thoughts weren’t really focused on living a clean life. As a highschooler, I turned to satanic rock music as an escape from loneliness and despair. When I was in my early twenties, I did many awful things. I was away from God. Big time. Mimicking a rock star’s life in my own way. Smoking and drinking were always part of my lifestyle. I was playing with many girls. And when I was not playing with girls, when I am not playing..I spent a lot of time masterbating and watching pornographic movies. I was attending church all these years, but I guess I was living a double life. I remember an evil spirit coming into me from the ceiling of the room. I remember my mouth was wide open and I couldn’t breathe. Then I felt an evil spirit come into me. I couldn’t breathe well and was gasping. I was instantly transformed by the evil spirit.

I had a friend sleep over in another room of the house during this time. I woke her up and shouted ‘hey, get out’. After I got into a rage for no reason, she got up and we got into a fight. All of a sudden, she lost consciousness. My first thought was that she was faking. There wasn’t any physical violence involved. A few minutes later, she woke up and started saying something weird. Back then, she wasn’t a Christian but said she saw Jesus and my grandmother. My grandmother was a pastor and died a few years ago. Jesus and my grandmother told her I had the devil inside me. That scared me so much. I never told her about my grandmother. A girl told me something my grand mother used to say when my grand mother was alive. So it really surprised me because there was no way that the girl could have known my grandmother’s verbal habits. I showed the girl my grandmother’s picture, and she said it was her. In addition, Jesus said I need to pray three times a day and go to church. That’ll make the devil go away. In the aftermath of the incident, my friend became a Christian and was baptized.

After that, I went to church, and then my spiritual fight started. I had worst nightmarish dreams and could hear the devil’s voice at night. Then time passed. My conversion to Christianity was partial. There were two masters I worshipped. I served Jesus and my greed at the same time. Years passed. I started to deviate from God. Gradually, I lost my faith completely and I was possessed by the devil again. I used to curse at God and hate Jesus and his teachings. I was still filled with opposing energy. I got depressed and lonely. I wasn’t happy with my life at all. I lived a life filled with lies, hate, loneliness, and darkness. Suicidal thoughts took over my life. It was all too much for me. I wanted to die so I wouldn’t have to wake up the next day. The pleasures I got from this life could not make me happy. The idea of having a lot of money, fame, luxury could not fullfill my life. I honestly was not happy. Everything seemed useless and hopeless.

I wanted to kill myself and I was planning on killing myself. I got curious about afterlife. There are several books I have read about the afterlife, reincarnation, alien technology, and various religious teachings about the afterlife. Several videos about near death experiences caught my attention and I started watching them. I am going to share a few near-death videos with you in due course. There are many things that have opened my eyes as a result of watching other people’s near-death experiences. When they were in the midst of near death experiences, many of them met Jesus Christ. Those who did not meet Jesus went to hell, while those who did met Jesus went to heaven. In the aftermath of their near death experience, all of their lives changed in a profound way. Watching them, something within me started to persuade me to pray and talk to Jesus. My first step was to start a conversation with him. The more I talked, the more I got lost in the conversation.

My desire was to find a saviour who would love me and save me from this dreadful loneliness and fear that I was experiencing. Then I felt a deep sense of peace come over me. I began attending the Church again and it was completely different from what I had seen before. During this time, I began to feel that he was present in every aspect of my life. My daily life is filled with the presence of Jesus. I don’t know how to put it into words, but I know I can feel it within me. Whenever I pray, and especially when I listen to gospel music, I feel at peace with myself. However, in spite of my best efforts, I still had difficulty in not watching porn and marsterbation on a regular basis. After that, I began to hear Holy Spirit speaking to me about the need to choose a path. There is no way I can live a dual life and I needed to completely turn my life over to Jesus. I struggled so hard to make this decision to stop watching pornographic videos. I sought God’s help in order to make the decision. Then Jesus helped me. I experienced a miracle. The urge to watch porns stopped completely and I could not believe it. I have been watching porns for decades and was able to stop it.

In one occassion, I physically heard devil’s voice scared voice and I noticed that there was a force moving through my body from the top of my head to the bottom, like a mouse. I could feel the evil spirit leaving my body in the form of a mouse. 

In the wake of talking to Jesus, I was able to completely stop pornography and turn completely to Him. My new life with Jesus keeps me spiritually intact, and I am doing my best to live my new life with Him. I would like to share with you my testimony, my dear brother. Many blessings to you. 

Jesus died on the cross for us because of our sins, my brother. In order for us to be able to go to God, Jesus died on the cross instead of us.