Save Soul Now

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden  and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30

Main Objective Counts

In front of Rabbi Golden, Cecil asks, “Rabbi, is it okay to smoke during worship?”?” ‘No, you may not do that. It is totally disrespectful to our tradition!’ answers the Rabbi. Having heard what the Rabbi told him, Cecil goes to tell his friend. “This isn’t surprising to me. I think you asked the wrong …

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Forgive is possible

It is common for us to think to ourselves, “I don’t want to forgive that person because it will allow them to escape responsibility for their actions”.As a matter of fact, there is no effect on that person by the fact that you have forgiven them. By forgiving and letting go, it is you who receives the healing and …

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Impossible to Calm Down?

Once you are able to calm yourself down, you will be able to build independence in your life, andgive yourself the most important value to your life which is comfort. So in order to be able to acquire this skill, it is a wise decision to make an effort to do so. A sense of inner peace can not only grant you a sense of …

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Power to Pull

One day, while a farmer was tending to his horse Buddy in a rural area, a stranger suddenly appeared who urgently need the farmer’s assistance. It appears that the stranger lost control of his vehicle and slid off into a ditch after he lost control.        In order to pull the vehicle out …

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Cure for Unrequited Love

When you have a crush, you experience a variety of emotions. On the one hand, liking someone can be exhilarating and bring forth butterflies, sparks, and buzzes. In contrast, knowing that those feelings will never be reciprocated or acted upon can be excruciating. When you are infatuated with someone, there are times when figuring out how to …

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Stop People-Pleasing

There is nothing more soul-depleting than being a people-pleaser.  It is likely that most people will take advantage of you. It is also likely that they will disrespect you. The desire to please other people is often rooted in negative childhood experiences.  You could, for example, have a parent who was always disapproving of your behavior.  It would be necessary for you to …

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