Christian Life


Can you recall a time when you received a gift. You unwrap the gift and discover something you have no interest in whatsoever. Suppose you hate golf, but you receive a new pair of golf balls. You may hate dancing, but you receive dancing shoes. It goes on and on. The same concept applies to our relationship with God. You may …


I saw Hell

I would like to share one of our destinations after we die. We either go to heaven with God or we go to hell after we die.My prayer is for all of us to go to heaven, but the reality is that most of us will go to hell unless we repent and accept Jesus …

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We are all Sinners

Every one of us is born as a sinner. Our sinful nature is inherent from the moment we are born until the moment we breathe our last. The fact is that all of us are sinners, no matter our age, our gender, or whether we are “good” or “bad”. A sin is when you fall short of God’s standards …

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Sinner’s Repent

There was a man with two sons. Younger son asked father for legacy money he’d promised him, and dad gave it to him. After that, the younger son moved away and went to live in a far country. He soon used up all the money his dad gave him by being careless and riotous. As soon as he had …

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What is Belief

There was a town where rain was not coming. In anticipation of the rain, the priest of the town called all the people to prayer at the temple one morning as it was already getting late in the season. It was then that people started praying to God for rain to fall.  After a while, the whole town laughed …

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Memory of Friendship

An argument between two good friends led to one of them slapping the other. In spite of the pain, the man wrote on the sand, “I received a hard slap from my friend today.” They found an oasis as they continued walking. After swimming in the wellspring, the one who was slapped almost drowned, but …

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