Luke kim

Heaven & Hell

Heaven and Hell are real.. After you die, there’s judgement by God. We should prepare for our next life by believing the Lord Jesus and by repenting our Sins..

How to REPENT?

Jesus already paid the price for your mistakes on the cross through His own blood. Bible says Now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. There is no mistakes that are dark and dirty that Jesus can not forgive through his sacrifice on the …

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What is REAL Christianity?

Christianity is not in essence a moral code or an ascetic routine, as so many down the centuries have mistakenly supposed. Rather, it is a supernaturalizing personal relationship with a supernatural personal Savior.


A vital part of repentance is to forgive those who have sinned against us. The Lord will not forgive us unless our hearts are fully cleansed of all hate, bitterness, and bad feelings against other people. Our sins must also be fully repented to God in order to be forgiven. Forgiveness is addressed in the following …

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My Sin Diary

I have been praying and repenting of my sins. In the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I began writing down my sins from an early age. I’m thankful to God for allowing me to remember my sins so I could repent. My earliest memories are when I was 3 or 4 years old. I complained to my mom about …

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Repent and be Saved!!

“What is repentance?” In the Bible, Jesus began to preach saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near” (Matthew 4:17). There are many topics that Jesus preached on in the four gospels, but first and foremost, Jesus preached “repentance”. As well as in the New Testament, the Old Testament contains calls for repentance, such …

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