Forgive is possible

It is common for us to think to ourselves, “I don’t want to forgive that person because it will allow them to escape responsibility for their actions”.

As a matter of fact, there is no effect on that person by the fact that you have forgiven them. By forgiving and letting go, it is you who receives the healing and you who are the one who will benefit from it.

For those that are having trouble forgiving, you may want to go through a deep process that will enable you to letgo of the pain, sadness, anger and guilt that you’ve been holding inside of you. Let go of all that hurt and blame. Get it out, even say it out loud. ‘I forgive you.’

No matter what happened, you need to let your past go and forgive yourself. Holding onto blame or betrayal doesn’t make forgiveness any more real. There’s nothing to it.

When you let go of your consciousness, forgiveness becomes real. You will be able to begin healing your body and mind once that happens.

You may still feel the need to punish someone in your life for something they’ve done. Are you feeling that way now? 

I would suggest that from this point forward you try to let go. Ensure that you offer real, genuine forgiveness to the other person. You should allow them to enter your mind all at once and let out all the unspoken words you may have been holding back. It is important to note that you are not attempting to justify their actions; you are actually lifting the burden from your own heart by doing this.

There is a direct relationship between healing and forgiveness. As you forgive yourself, forgive others, forgive life itself and move forward, you will feel a new sense of fulfillment and wholeness. Wish you a lovely Life, my friend.